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Investigating Human Trafficking in North Carolina

December 3, 2023

Investigating Human Trafficking in North Carolina

View the Project here

Panelists: UNC Public Policy Capstone Students - Jordanne Arace, Grace Berry, Elizabeth Norris, Michelle Breit, Sophia Desai

Moderator: Danie Watson-Goetz, WomenNC Executive Director

Call to Action: What’s something you want the audience to know they can do to help?

  1. Educate yourself on the prevalence of human trafficking in the area that you live in. What risk factors make your hometown a target of human trafficking? Be aware! 
  2. Students grades K-12 are among the highest-risk populations. Educate yourself as well as those around you, specifically those working within the school system, as all entities involved within a school community have the potential to advocate for child victims of human trafficking. 
  3. Remain updated on the nuanced federal and state statutes that currently serve to address human trafficking. 
  4. Understand that the severity of human trafficking requires all instances of violence, even those starting at the elementary level, to be considered paramount in advocacy efforts.

List of Resources: What are some resources that you think would be useful to the audience?

  2. NC Stop Human Trafficking
  3. Human Trafficking Commission Resource List | North Carolina Judicial Branch
  4. Human Trafficking | NC DOA
  5. Human Trafficking | NC Coalition Against Sexual Assault
  6. Project No Rest
  7. North Carolina Human Trafficking – Statistics, Facts, Shelters Search
  9. Human Trafficking Resources | UNC Hospital's Beacon Program

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